Thomas Beddoes to Davies Giddy, [6 June 1792] [fragment]
You will find in Vol. 1 of the Botanic Garden the epitaph on Mrs French, absolutely spoiled by correction. – Mrs Day has frequently repeated to me passages out of copies of verse actually sent to Mrs Darwin before she became Mrs Darwin. They seemed to me superior to any thing I had ever heard.
Notwithstanding the subject has been so hackneyed, there was always something painted in happier colours, & better turned than by any body else. I do not think the inclosed by any means the best, but it is the only one I cd procure entire. But how have I been disappointed by the 1st vol of the botanic garden, both as to matter & manner
Address: Davies Giddy
Endorsement: Doctor Beddoes / 1792 / June the 6th
MS: Cornish Archives MS DG 41/33